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1869 - 1943

George Redon

In 1893, Jules Georges Redon began illustrating news and humor newspapers.  In 1897, he opened his own lithographic workshop at 80 rue Caulaincourt.  He lived in Montmartre and worked for many cabarets and restaurants there, including the restaurant Foyot, the Café de Paris and The Abbey Theleme (Place Pigalle).

Redon’s paintings and engravings were regularly exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Français, at the National Society of Fine Arts, the Salon d’Automne (of which he is the founding secretary), and at the Salon des Peintres Lithographes of 1909 and 1913.

During the First World War, Redon was mobilized as a non-commissioned officer.  After the war, Redon illustrated children’s books and producing some posters inspired by the theme of childhood.

In September 1939, Redon was knighted by the Legion of Honor under the patronage of Jean Villemot.

Works by this Artist