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American (Washingtonian, b. Boston)
c. 1960

Anna Meyer Zachurski

Anna Meyer Zachurski is a working artist and teacher based in Washington, DC. She is a member of the prestigious Washington Printmakers and teaches lithography at Montgomery College’s highly regarded art program.

Meyer Zachurski was born in Boston and studied art theory and painting at Harvard University while earning a degree in Slavic languages and literature. She then traveled to Poland to pursue graduate studies in painting and intaglio printmaking at the prestigious Akademia Sztuk Pieknych (Academy of Fine Arts) in Kraków, Poland. While studying there, Meyer Zachurski “went away for Passover with some friends of mine and when I came back my whole dorm was burned down, and they said I had done it.” In retrospect, the artist calls herself naive: “Of course they accused me,” she says, “I was the only American there.” She laughs now at the refusal by communist officials to renew her student visa, forcing her to leave the country before completing her studies, though she found it less funny then. She therefore returned to the States, settling in New York where she taught English to Russian- and Polish- speaking immigrants while continuing to work in printmaking, drawing, and painting. She studied at Parsons and with artist Robert Blackburn.

In 1988, Meyer Zachurski moved to the DC suburb of Silver Spring, Maryland, and she now lives in Washington, DC.

She prints on a Rembrandt press and uses colored ink, oil, pencil, and gouache to draw and paint directly onto her images. She often cuts out shapes in Plexiglas, paints them, and applies them directly to her prints.

She exhibits her work actively.

Works by this Artist