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American (Washingtonian)

Dorothy Fall

Dorothy Fall earned a BFA from Syracuse University in 1952 and did graduate work at American University thereafter. She also studied in Paris at the Académie de la Grande Chaumiere (in 1961) and Académie Julian (in 1965).

She has a lengthy exhibition history, including numerous solo shows between 1969 and 1984 at the venerable Michelson Gallery. She has also showed her work extensively in Asia.

In addition to her productive career as a studio artist, Dorothy Fall also worked in art institutions.  She was a director of the Gallery 10 and Pyramid Atlantic galleries, she was Deputy Art Director at Amerika Magazine, and she ran her own design communications firm for more than twenty-five years.

Fall’s work is held in the permanent collections of the National Museum of Women in the Arts, the National Academy of Sciences, the Contemporary Art Museum of Montecatini, Italy, and many other private and public collections in the U.S. and abroad.

Works by this Artist