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American (Washingtonian)

Craig Cahoon

Craig Cahoon is a Washington, DC artist. But from DC, Cahoon has traveled across the world for solo shows, group shows, and residencies in the Czech Republic, Germany, Malaysia, France, and Ecuador. Cahoon has had great success as an artist in part because he has used that travel to expand his imagination. As he explains:

The evolution of my painting has made significant leaps during residencies at art centers and colonies, both in the United States and abroad. I prefer observing the ambient light and colors of a new place over an extended period and responding to that experience through paint. I consider myself a process painter, with each unique experience and technique adding to the previous responses.

His compositions often consist of blocks of color to depict architecture and landscape.

Through the process of painting I relive sensations and memories, delve into archetypal imagery, and engage in formal investigations of composition and materials. The multiple transparent layers of paint correspond to the many-layered stories that are retold in color and light. Painting has allowed me to expand my fascination with the material world while being a spiritual pursuit, a meditative practice, and a link with the past.

Cahoon’s work is in important private collections around the world.

Works by this Artist