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Guy Billout

Guy Billout is a highly-decorated French artist and illustrator. In addition to four Gold Medals and three Silver Medals, the prestigious Society of Illustrators awarded Billout with its greatest honor, the Hamilton King Award, in 1989 and inducted him into hits Hall of Fame in 2016.

Billout’s most famous work was his full-page pictures which appeared bi-monthly in The Atlantic Monthly from 1982 through 2006. Acclaim for this work led to his becoming one of the most in-demand illustrators in North America, bringing about work for the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post as well as Fortune, Time, and numerous other medial outlets. (Many of his works for Time magazine are now held by the Smithsonian Institution.)

Billout’s aesthetic style is clean and spare, often with an ironic air.

Since 1985 Billout has taught at Parson’s.

Works by this Artist